Recap | 2017

Assalamualaikum and hi! so in this post, i am going to recap what happen to me through this year. and yes, this year many things happen, no more boring life, no more mereput day. everyday, have something happen that make me learn something. (well not everyday lah but still i can say like that k 🙈) to be honest, 2017 teach me everything and can i say i feel like i am become matured a little bit. because this hectic year make me more stronger even there have a few days i am crying non stop for no reason *face palm*. so lets talk what happen in months one by one. January start my day with menanam anggur *roll eyes* lost my part time job last year just because i am fat so i decide to give up finding part time job. i feel tired when my dad can not stop asking for me go out and do something berguna. but nahh, i prefer life in my imagination world with oppa 💕💕 (okay sorry dad! 🙏) so my aunt suggest i worked with her and the jobs are take care my grandma fully. kira jadi bibik in my fam...