Random People 👥

assalamualaikum and happy new year 😂 This year started with stressed a little bit because of final for sem 1. aaaa i kinda survive it right? 😂 Okay so this post not about my life but actually about random people. Who is random people? Well person that you do not know who but you met them once and sometime give an impact to your life. I am thinking about this people because when i feel stressed, i scroll my ig and sometime that people can make me happy again and release tension. For example, maysaa anak iman abdul rahim. Idk who are you gurl but your cuteness healing me 😘 An idol also can make me happy randomly tau. Such as btob. Their weirdness, dad jokes, noisy make me forgot my stressed when i feel i am not doing well in my life. Yeah i know family and friends can help me too but you know, this is sooo random people. Like how doh people you do not know can make you happy? I am so introvert even my friend said that i have an allergic to people (true doh, i can not talk to...