First event

huhu dah lama tak update sebab life macam biasa untuk diceritakan. so today decide to update about my first event with peers upnm. so at first decide join this club sebab fikir nak kumpul merit but bila dah join first event, i learned many things (ok tak lah many sangat tapi macam dapat pengalaman baru). before this asik duduk bawah tempurung so why not take this as a challenge bila masuk U ni. disclamier : will not put many photos because i did not took many pictures that time :') 6.30 am dah kena berkumpul at indie zone and kinda mad sebab takde org lagi 😒 kemain paksa datang awal semua so mcm nahh biasa lah melayu. 7.30 am baru gerak naik bas ke Rumah Anak Yatim Penyayang Sungai Buaya Banting. literally i just slept in the bus sebab always sleepy doh :') i do not even remember what time we arrived because i am to nervous to meet the kids. so we are just arrived and the kids salam all of us and i must put a big smile lah even some kids jeling aku :') with my sleepy...