First event

huhu dah lama tak update sebab life macam biasa untuk diceritakan. so today decide to update about my first event with peers upnm. so at first decide join this club sebab fikir nak kumpul merit but bila dah join first event, i learned many things (ok tak lah many sangat tapi macam dapat pengalaman baru). before this asik duduk bawah tempurung so why not take this as a challenge bila masuk U ni.

disclamier : will not put many photos because i did not took many pictures that time :')

6.30 am dah kena berkumpul at indie zone and kinda mad sebab takde org lagi 😒 kemain paksa datang awal semua so mcm nahh biasa lah melayu. 7.30 am baru gerak naik bas ke Rumah Anak Yatim Penyayang Sungai Buaya Banting. literally i just slept in the bus sebab always sleepy doh :') i do not even remember what time we arrived because i am to nervous to meet the kids. so we are just arrived and the kids salam all of us and i must put a big smile lah even some kids jeling aku :')

with my sleepy face, just proceed to the next plan. all the fasi must introduce theirself and jujur lah aku nervous gila kot that time and idky 😂 actually aku ajk surau which is kemas2 surau lah but before kemas tu, aku kena masuk mana2 kumpulan jadi fasi sekejap. so i went to my classmates' group. ok lah to be honest my group so hambar and no respond at all. no smile, no talk, unhappy face. aku kat depan tu dah menggigil gila :') suggest cheer that my friends and i planned last night. but they did not respond wehh. sumpah aku takut that time

what if they think we are so annoying or so gelabah gila ke jadi their fasi. so decide to called one of our senior to slow talked with them. Alhamdullilah it is getting better a little bit. for the first game tu they macam dah ok sikit. a little bit of happier. i think i just join the group for only 2 games and after berambos pi kemas surau.

so nothing happen lah sangat jadi ajk mengemas ni. lepas zohor sambung balik kemas taman diorg lak. so for sure nothing happen sangat 😂 just talked with senior for a few words only and mostly i shut my mouth sambil mengecat. got sunburn and it's still fun to me! hahahha

almost maghrib and we took some pictures before back to upnm and the kids kinda look sad. thanks God i become ajk gotong royong if i become the fasi, of course meraung aku taknak balik sebab maybe dah sayang at the kids 👉👈 but still doh feel sad sebab this is my first time join this kind of event. oh from this event pun dapat buat aku tegur dengan classmates aku sebab i did not talk to them at all in the class. in this program baru berbual but of course dah balik and jumpa kat kelas, i still awkwars with them because my shy ass still have in me 😂

that's all for today 💕

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