Recap | Bye 2018 ✨

Cepat betul masa berlalu. Banyak perkara berlaku pada tahun ni. Nak detailkan one by one, some of them aku dah lupa (pardon my brain can not remember many things).Just really hope next year (aka this year because I type this on 2018 but just post it now) will be more more better. in this post, I will list down the best memory, the things I should reflect and my hope for the next year. To be honest, this post maybe will take a time to publish and quite long. Okay let's see the good memories first. Btw I just realized that I only have 4 post published after I do recap for 2017 :') so I will tell everything what happened to me in 2018 or maybe I just conclude it because I am so lazy (kemalasan dan Ain tidak berpisah) BEST MEMORIES 1. BTOB in Malaysia fanmeeting I will list it down what I just remember and give an impact to my life. nak recap dari awal tahun memang aku tak ingat lah apa terjadi. now I am struggling search back all my updated from social media because tbh I do...