Recap | Bye 2018 ✨
Cepat betul masa berlalu. Banyak perkara berlaku pada tahun ni. Nak detailkan one by one, some of them aku dah lupa (pardon my brain can not remember many things).Just really hope next year (aka this year because I type this on 2018 but just post it now) will be more more better. in this post, I will list down the best memory, the things I should reflect and my hope for the next year. To be honest, this post maybe will take a time to publish and quite long. Okay let's see the good memories first. Btw I just realized that I only have 4 post published after I do recap for 2017 :') so I will tell everything what happened to me in 2018 or maybe I just conclude it because I am so lazy (kemalasan dan Ain tidak berpisah)
1. BTOB in Malaysia fanmeeting
I will list it down what I just remember and give an impact to my life. nak recap dari awal tahun memang aku tak ingat lah apa terjadi. now I am struggling search back all my updated from social media because tbh I don't remember anything 😂 ok back to topic
Thanks to nisa (my idiot sandwich) that inform me through ws about this event. Remembered how I don't have mood at all because mad about people 🙃 and don't have time to see all the updates at twitter. so dia ws and tanya pergi tak concert btob and I was like kau mabuk apa ni (sebab mood tak betul kan 🤣) and she send the link/screenshot of the tweet about btob coming to Malaysia.
bruh I AM SCREAMING OUT LOUD IN MY ROOM sampai roommate macam risau kenapa tetiba menjerit (sorry geng 😂) that time terus 70% memang nak pergi gak. dah tak fikir apa apa lagi sebab kecewa tak dapat pergi concert winner.
long story short (because worry this post become long if I only talk about btob fanmeeting 😂) the event on 16th Dec 2018 and went there with farhah yang aku berjaya hasut untuk join this event sebab kalau takde dia, aku rasa memang tak pergi kot sebab macam hambar ah if I went there alone.
2. Become leader for Exco Multimedia
this one for my faculty's club. yeah sure it's look simple to everyone but for me who is introvert take this challenge memang sangat lah berharga (+tercabar) tbh this position tidak lah bersesuaian dengan aku yang hanya ada skills around 5% je kot and the worst it exco multimedia need to know about technical too which is this girl do not have any skills or knowledge about it :))) therefore , I think I am not deserve with this position but my friends (one of them is the president for this club) trust me to take this position huhu
After think a few hours (or maybe a few days lol not sure) , I decide to take it as a new challenge. so the next day, there have a meeting to introduce all MT and Exco, I am quite shy lah macam eh perempuan ni ada ke dalam kelas ? macam tak pernah tengok pun :') even masa my friend announced pun semua macam oh ain ke ? okay tepuk je ah huhu
the challenges start from graduation dinner for super senior until foster programme dinner for syrian students. tbh I want to tell all the details what happened to me but you know, long post is equal nonsense post so the conclusion is kena marah from pihak atasan until junior make a mess , crying , stress , axienty , lost confidence , happy , burden , satisfied and that's all.
3. A trip !
museum trip most of them. thanks to farhah (again) for accepted all my emergency-weird-suddenly-mess planned to go visit museum or exhibition sepanjang tahun 2018. I hope you are not tired with me because I am ready to make new plans (maybe) for the visit around Kuala Lumpur (yes that's our limit because even we are getting older, our family still look at us a baby girls 👶)
first trip went to islamic art museum , planetarium and police museum. it's quite fun and tbh I enjoy this trip because I planned last minute and farhah didn't mind to joined it. second trip went to balai seni negara which is feel disappointed a little bit since both of us don't understand at all about arts and that time tengah sibuk orang buat persiapan sebab esoknya tu dr. hasmah come for a visit. luckily we went there before the event kalau tak memang penuh lah manusia.
so I hope this year I can plan more trip for farhah (pls don't feel tired with me 😂) to join and maybe this time trip with nature such as zoo 😂 or park.
oh not forget klcc trip with nisa, nene chicken date and suddenly bought the tickets watching the great battle. I am so excited because nam joo hyuk one of the actors for that movie but kat pertengahan feel disappointed because of seolhyun hahaha maafkan saya bersikap begini.
4. friendship
tbh I didn't make any new friends for 2018 because I just contacted with my old friends, stay in the same classmates so how can I meet new people ? but for sure this year I make my friendship become more stronger and try my best do like a little chit chat with friends that I didn't meet for a long time .
I try my best to understand them and if they are make some mistakes, I try to hold my anger and betulkan jelah apa yang salah. bagi aku nak marah tu okay supaya they do some improvement but untuk bergaduh tu aku macam malas. dah besar and kalau gaduh pun kau mesti kena hadap dia balik and at the end you need each other.
5. Married + engagement
lol of course not me. it's about my 2 close cousins who married this year. they should appreciate it okay because I include them in my best memories 💅 oh also my brother getting engaged and InsyaAllah this year will be marry to his choice (hope everything going fine)
tbh I don't know what should I write more about this memories. so let's end at here ! 😂 not gonna post any pictures at this part because I look ugly (as usual) and I can't find one of my cousin's wedding picture that include me and takde gambar abang's engagement huhu
p/s : THEY SHOULD APPRECIATE OKAY I SPEND ALL MY MONEY TO BUY NEW CLOTHES UNTUK MAJLIS DIORANG OKAY !!! sebab aku bukan lah jenis suka beli barang or pakaian baru ni (but fyi tahun 2018 lah aku belajar beli through online and now I declare myself that I am broke on 2019 😌😭😌😭) okay joke tengah kumpul duit nak beli tiket concert day6 nanti if they come to Malaysia !
6. Field trip
okay I love this semester because my classmates and I went to field trip two times and for me it's quite fun and best because we learned many things. Even memenatkan and banyak juga cabaran kena hadap from group members to assignment and report kena submit with complicated questions macam eh masa field trip ada ke benda ni ? kenapa kena jawab lak soalan ni tapi Alhamdulilah semua settle dengan baik. First went to Lumut visited KD Mahawangsa and KD Pelandok (KD = Kapal Diraja) and Bandar Melaka.
to be honest, I want to list down my hope or can call as my revolution for this year but want to describe one by one, rasa macam penat lak 🤣 and risau what I want to do tak menjadi so I will be sad and afraid people will say "eleh acah dia ni last2 tak buat gak" :') so gonna pendam what I want to do this year. If menjadi, InsyaAllah I will update at here (or maybe kat post recap 2019 nanti 🤣)
that's all from me. Happy new year guys !
1. BTOB in Malaysia fanmeeting
I will list it down what I just remember and give an impact to my life. nak recap dari awal tahun memang aku tak ingat lah apa terjadi. now I am struggling search back all my updated from social media because tbh I don't remember anything 😂 ok back to topic
Thanks to nisa (my idiot sandwich) that inform me through ws about this event. Remembered how I don't have mood at all because mad about people 🙃 and don't have time to see all the updates at twitter. so dia ws and tanya pergi tak concert btob and I was like kau mabuk apa ni (sebab mood tak betul kan 🤣) and she send the link/screenshot of the tweet about btob coming to Malaysia.
bruh I AM SCREAMING OUT LOUD IN MY ROOM sampai roommate macam risau kenapa tetiba menjerit (sorry geng 😂) that time terus 70% memang nak pergi gak. dah tak fikir apa apa lagi sebab kecewa tak dapat pergi concert winner.
long story short (because worry this post become long if I only talk about btob fanmeeting 😂) the event on 16th Dec 2018 and went there with farhah yang aku berjaya hasut untuk join this event sebab kalau takde dia, aku rasa memang tak pergi kot sebab macam hambar ah if I went there alone.
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credit to farhah |
2. Become leader for Exco Multimedia
this one for my faculty's club. yeah sure it's look simple to everyone but for me who is introvert take this challenge memang sangat lah berharga (+tercabar) tbh this position tidak lah bersesuaian dengan aku yang hanya ada skills around 5% je kot and the worst it exco multimedia need to know about technical too which is this girl do not have any skills or knowledge about it :))) therefore , I think I am not deserve with this position but my friends (one of them is the president for this club) trust me to take this position huhu
After think a few hours (or maybe a few days lol not sure) , I decide to take it as a new challenge. so the next day, there have a meeting to introduce all MT and Exco, I am quite shy lah macam eh perempuan ni ada ke dalam kelas ? macam tak pernah tengok pun :') even masa my friend announced pun semua macam oh ain ke ? okay tepuk je ah huhu
the challenges start from graduation dinner for super senior until foster programme dinner for syrian students. tbh I want to tell all the details what happened to me but you know, long post is equal nonsense post so the conclusion is kena marah from pihak atasan until junior make a mess , crying , stress , axienty , lost confidence , happy , burden , satisfied and that's all.
3. A trip !
museum trip most of them. thanks to farhah (again) for accepted all my emergency-weird-suddenly-mess planned to go visit museum or exhibition sepanjang tahun 2018. I hope you are not tired with me because I am ready to make new plans (maybe) for the visit around Kuala Lumpur (yes that's our limit because even we are getting older, our family still look at us a baby girls 👶)
first trip went to islamic art museum , planetarium and police museum. it's quite fun and tbh I enjoy this trip because I planned last minute and farhah didn't mind to joined it. second trip went to balai seni negara which is feel disappointed a little bit since both of us don't understand at all about arts and that time tengah sibuk orang buat persiapan sebab esoknya tu dr. hasmah come for a visit. luckily we went there before the event kalau tak memang penuh lah manusia.
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maaf camera dulu buruk :') |
so I hope this year I can plan more trip for farhah (pls don't feel tired with me 😂) to join and maybe this time trip with nature such as zoo 😂 or park.
oh not forget klcc trip with nisa, nene chicken date and suddenly bought the tickets watching the great battle. I am so excited because nam joo hyuk one of the actors for that movie but kat pertengahan feel disappointed because of seolhyun hahaha maafkan saya bersikap begini.
4. friendship
tbh I didn't make any new friends for 2018 because I just contacted with my old friends, stay in the same classmates so how can I meet new people ? but for sure this year I make my friendship become more stronger and try my best do like a little chit chat with friends that I didn't meet for a long time .
I try my best to understand them and if they are make some mistakes, I try to hold my anger and betulkan jelah apa yang salah. bagi aku nak marah tu okay supaya they do some improvement but untuk bergaduh tu aku macam malas. dah besar and kalau gaduh pun kau mesti kena hadap dia balik and at the end you need each other.
5. Married + engagement
lol of course not me. it's about my 2 close cousins who married this year. they should appreciate it okay because I include them in my best memories 💅 oh also my brother getting engaged and InsyaAllah this year will be marry to his choice (hope everything going fine)
tbh I don't know what should I write more about this memories. so let's end at here ! 😂 not gonna post any pictures at this part because I look ugly (as usual) and I can't find one of my cousin's wedding picture that include me and takde gambar abang's engagement huhu
p/s : THEY SHOULD APPRECIATE OKAY I SPEND ALL MY MONEY TO BUY NEW CLOTHES UNTUK MAJLIS DIORANG OKAY !!! sebab aku bukan lah jenis suka beli barang or pakaian baru ni (but fyi tahun 2018 lah aku belajar beli through online and now I declare myself that I am broke on 2019 😌😭😌😭) okay joke tengah kumpul duit nak beli tiket concert day6 nanti if they come to Malaysia !
6. Field trip
okay I love this semester because my classmates and I went to field trip two times and for me it's quite fun and best because we learned many things. Even memenatkan and banyak juga cabaran kena hadap from group members to assignment and report kena submit with complicated questions macam eh masa field trip ada ke benda ni ? kenapa kena jawab lak soalan ni tapi Alhamdulilah semua settle dengan baik. First went to Lumut visited KD Mahawangsa and KD Pelandok (KD = Kapal Diraja) and Bandar Melaka.
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KD Mahawangsa |
that's all from me. Happy new year guys !