
Showing posts from March, 2025


 macam dah lama tinggalkan blog ni tetiba harini macam terdetik nak menaip. sebelum ni, guna blog untuk meluah but sekarang fasa yang pendam je. nak luah tapi rasa not reasonable or think that others punya problem more worst compared to me. but I love how slowly I become more matured facing the world. even though, sometimes I do feeling down but its easily wash away once I wake up in the morning. so, aging is just another oppurtuniteies  for us growth wisely. working life, I do feels that this year giving a lot of patience test to me. every single day I keep repeating myself I want to resign but of course not gonna do that. I love my job. I love every weekday meeting anak-anak soleh but nahh to face their attitude every day? feeling want to headbanging my head at the walls. sometimes rasa macam apa ye aku buat ni? nak mendidik tapi kesabaran rendah tapi I do enjoy they growing up. like I saw their pace from zero and now slowly wujud sifat kendiri dalam diri. tapi, ya Allah the...