hi !
its been a long time didn't update
too lazy to do it
or maybe just busy with my real life now
or don't have such a good memories to share
well actually have a good memories just don't want to share it
idky heh
but still have a bad memories
especially in this year
i'm really shocked
it just a few days of new year
but i already listen the truth story
that sometime burden me
my overthinking is getting over because of this story
thanks for my friends now that help me to avoid it

new semester new final project
this sem already suck because have 3 final project
camping , many event , new people that .. haish
i just hope i'm not give up this sem
last sem result will release next month
already feel burden when my parents don't want me to repeat a paper
think about my future but economy at this country is getting suck
how to survive?
old annoying people already go in my life
it is ok to say thank you ?
because i'm happy now eventho i feel stress sometime

19 years old this year
my last teen ages
i just want to be happy
well not always happy
just want i can survive all the stress and negative things that will happen this year
try be more mature to solve all the problems
meet a new people that not gonna judge them easily
want to be friendly at everybody eventho they hate me
be more close with family and not just think about friends
not to share my problem easily at others people because i know they also have it
stop talking shit well sometime i do because stress
that's all
about lost my weight
i'm going to do if i want
because i don't want feel that i should be pretty

try to excited with those comeback
but sometime i can't
always using the kind of "i'm busy" reason
but sometime i feel it is because of that
but still listen it
just no more fangirling

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