final year

yo everyone !!
how to start ? lol

so already half of a year
semester 3 , tahun akhir
tahun akhir kau hadap semua ni
and rasa sayang nak tinggal
sebab takut dengan masa depan

5 days more
Perasaan bercampur baur
Tak tahu nak describe mcm mana lagi
Rasa macam dah buat yg terbaik
Tp bila buat revision, blank
Takut berlaku mcm tu kat dewan exam nnt
Pagi tadi restu ilmu
Masa form 5, tak faham
Main salam je dgn cikgu
Menangis sbb tgk member lain nangis
So keluarkan jelah air mata
Baru faham semuanya
Baru faham rasa menghargai tu
Poyo je cakap
"Sape menangis dulu, kena jentik"

Heh, berlagak lagi
Fardhu baru je peluk
Cakap thanks je
Air mata dah mengalir
Dasar pondan
Still hati tisu
Nampak cikgu azlina
Air mata nak menitik dah
Sampai madam nas
Berlambak keluar

Sedih; last jumpa (even time ambik result jumpa laie)
Risau; buat diorg rasa kecewa

"Next year saya nak jumpa balik dengan result sejarah A" - miss wan
"Buat yang terbaik" - cikgu azlina
"Banyakkan berdoa" - madam nas
"Saya nak pelajar saya semua masuk universiti" - ustaz nasir

Cikgu paiz , cikgu liza , teacher maliga
All of them, im gonna remember
Until i die
Banyak jasa diorg
Tak tahu nak balas macam mana

Pernah gembira sebab mereka
Pernah kecewa sebab mereka
Pernah marah sebab mereka
Pernah gementar sebab mereka

"Harini saya nak bagi test" - ustaz
"Sape dapat markah 10 ke bawah , lari kat padang" - teacher maliga
"I hope u will look happy like this when u got your result" - madam
"Syahirah, bagi contoh ayat..." - cikgu paiz
"Awak ain kan ? Jawab soalan seterusnya" - cikgu liza
"Ain sini sekejap. Soalan ni awak kena jawab macam ni..." - cikgu azlina

Birthday ? Apa tu ?
Habiskan masa dengan kertas
Pizza jadi hidangan untuk meraikan hari istimewa
Tapi hati tak tenang
Bermula exam sem 3
Masih sempat update
Break a leg guys

Done all paper for sem3
Mcm mana ?
Keyakinan tu hilang
Gementar yang semakin banyak muncul
I try hard but at the same time didnt satistied
Bila member down or risau about the result
Sentiasa cakap Allah have a better plan for us
Just work hard
Tapi aku sendiri tak menghayati ayat tu
Semua "kalau" negative thinks ni muncul
Try act im ok infront ppl
Tapi hati rasa nak tercabut

Konon takut dengan paper exam
Tapi still hadap phone
Phone pun naik menyampah
Otak fikir nak rehat je
Masalahnya bukan guna sgt pun
Decide pergi kat sekolah
Walaupun takda paper
Daripada duduk rumah hadap phone

a happy day
met old friends
otp with my gay friend
the 2014 feeling are back for a while
baru sedar yang aku rindu diorg act
tapi berlakon nak ignore diorg
so all of them said that
"asal kau lain?"
"omg ni ke ain yang aku kenal dulu?"
"kenapa kau gelak lain ni?"
"wahhh dah pandai buat lawak sekarang"
u know what
im happy they said like that
i realize i became the happiest girl ever
and they can adapt this "NEW AIN"
wish this ain will stay forever

2 papers more to go
the others paper i hv done
i realize
i'm such a mess
didnt feel that im doing well
what will happen to me ?
still laughing
still be myself
still make annoying joke
but sometime i realize
that i need to do better
but when ?
lepas exam baru nak sedar ?
babble to myself
entah nak dengar ke tak

at here
i want to say thank you to everyone
that support me
cheer me up
comfort me when im down
listen my annoying joke
patient with my weirdness
thank you
and i love you
one day
Kalau aku jadi orang lain
slap me
bagitahu yang korang semua pernah buat baik dengan aku
minta maaf sebelum aku jadi orang lain

Went to seremban with fardhu
Excited bcs for the first time used bus
My dad and grandma allowed me
They said i should learn it
So its fun
Yeah its fun like im not gonna hv a paper anymore
1 paper left

Got a call
"Akak , boleh tak dtg interview pukul 3 nnt?"
Sape tak berderau tiba2 kena panggil
So get ready for new world right ?
Interview ?
Not bad
She look nice
But still need a confirmation from the owner

Feeling ?
Why ?
I know i didnt well
For my last paper
Such a mess
Period pain
How can i focus ?
Its sucks
I feel regret now
I try to be happy
But still how can i do that ?
Nak masuk bidang sejarah
Tp sejarah islam hancur
Mcm tak pernah belajar apa2
Ppl around me cant stop ask for the paper
Me ?
Siap buang satu kertas
2 soalan tak siap
1 soalan hentam
Bengang dengan diri sendiri

Today also
Get this baju graduate
Feeling ?
Entah lah nakkkk
Rasa mcm tak layak nak guna
Dengan kebodohan aku buat ni
But at the same time
Feel excited
Tapi last weh
Last sekolah
Tp rasa gak kosong
Mungkin khamis ni jumpa lagi

So i will end here
This is my last random words
Act i want to do it since i went to form 6
Tp tak berkesempatan
Im sorry
19 years old
7 years at SMKSA
1 year 6 months learn about life
Thank you 😘

*this be my random words . Will update one by one about my classmates*

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