Makeup 💄

This gonna be a short post

When I was in high school
I always "eewww" kan makeup
even ada lah jinak2 sikit
like "ohh that lipstick look kinda cute"
but still mcm a big no to put that look alike crayon in my lips bruhh

in orchestra, we should do a makeup for performance and me (with my friends) sanggup lari dari cikgu sbb taknak makeup. kinda benci the girls (like penari) using too much makeup and bibir merah mcm makan samyang lak

masuk lower 6, tgk my aunt's friend ada pouch with full of makeup and kadang2 curi pakai mcm bedak and try eyelashes curler but at last sepit mata sendiri :') so she saw me doing that (or i asking her smthng like that). after that she asked me "you wanna try this things?" and i said yes maybe (lol memory pls comeback)

and now me , 20 years old can't stop talking about makeup and i obsessed with it. so this things normal kan ? sbb rasa serba salah bila ada member yg before this jinak2 pakai lipstick but i gave bad response. its like a karma that hit me now bcs i want to spend my money to buy a makeup(s)

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