
dewasa. adult. so kena jadi matang lah kan? matang tu macam mana lak? mesti berfikiran rasional, tidak cepat bertindak tanpa berfikir, terima segala pandangan yang diberikan dan sebagainya.

duhh dah macam esei bm. kali ni post maybe santai lah. gonna write randomly and maybe tak masuk akal but whatever 💅

its funny how we wish to become adult so much since we are young but now we want our childhood life back

its funny how we are so confident with ourself when we are kids but now we become insecure with everyone. used to have a role model such like barbie, raven and clover (totally spies). tapi kenapa sekarang kita banyak persoalkan apa yang kita tak ada?

"why is that person so clever?"
"omg that girl have fair skin and why not me?"
"she is so lucky have that sporting family"
"God, why i can not be just like that person"

love. when we are kid, love is the best things ever. i love everything around me. i love sand, i love fallen leaves, i love that person i just met 45 seconds ago, i love dry grass, i love ride a bike even i have fobia with it, i love drink air kolah kat surau eventho everyone keep saying tu air nak mandikan jenazah and more.

but now i hate with that love feelings. why i must love my life? why i must love a person that never appreciate me? why i must love studying something i don't want to? why i must do a job that i hate it? oh love is a bad things lah for me.

fruit gonna be so sweet after getting older (ripe) but why not us yang manusia ni? lagi tua, lagi masam kehidupan kena tempuh. ish pahit lah. but masa muda, manisnya kehidupan kita. kenapa ye sekarang rasa nak menghargai?

fikir. how funny doh before this we just talk what we want to say but now we must think how terimanya that person with our words, their reaction, that topic gonna be sensitive or not and more. argue, benda yang selalu terjadi bila kita berbeza pendapat dengan orang lain. when we are getting older, argue not a bad things and not make that things bad. tak salah if you guys want to argue but faham the konsep and hujah mereka. jangan rasa diri kita saja yang betul even we are so ego. do some arguement to be better not be an enemy.

why adult can be the most scary people in the world? why sometime they ruin our childhood memories? we just want our freedom but they keep ask us to study and get an A's. before this we become a friend to everyone but now we become an enemy just because they got a better result in exam. because of adult, we don't have a great memories to remember. we want to do a throwback too! we want show our immature action to everyone! but they keep asking us to study so we become a great people. oh so become immature can't be a great person lah one day?

i am twenty years old guys but i think too much about getting older :') btw this is so random.

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