Short Sem

Assalamualaikum and hi ! dah lama gak tak update blog sebab agak busy and sometime tak tahu nak update apa. actually masa nak menaip ni pun takde idea nak borak apa sebenarnya tapi nak gak update sebab entah lah . nak ingat everything pernah terjadi masa study of course tak dapat sebab mostly our memory tersekat kat short term memory je huhu

okay as a year 1 student, we did not get 3 months holiday because of short semester. In this sem, there have 2 subject which are 'Psychology' and 'Language and Identity'. Both lecturer are guy and they are quite fun. Psychology make me more interest with our body. How amazing our body from a little things like our senses to how environment effect our life. The lecturer make the class fun with his amazing acting and example and also good cursing for us huhu. Language and identity subject is so relax and the lecturer sooo nice but sometime kinda boring because he prefer talked about geography :') He show 2 movies about races and I really suggest everyone to watch it. "The Help" and "Freedom Writers". Not gonna give a review at here sebab nanti jadi spoiler lak.

So every sem have their own challenge and I think short sem not really burden me like last semester. Tipu lah kata takde challenge kan tapi under control lah and luckily every week I can go back to my hometown because no class on friday. For this sem, I decide to become more open and friends with everyone since I know you can not get the best memories except in study life right? 

Our senior decide to give our course's club to us for handle it next semester and I am so proud my roommate got the president position. Women power! hehe but she feel burden because she is kinda introvert and suddenly get the position. After a few days, she asked me to become Exco Multimedia for this club. Bro.. I AM FREAKING SHOCK AND MY NERVOUS SYSTEM WORKING SO HARD ! like helloooo nobody in the class no me at all but I got that kinda heavy position ?? yes I like working bahagian multimedia ni but I don't think I will do well. sampai sekarang macam tak percaya doh sebab rasa kerja aku selama ni biasa sangat not good enough but luckily all classmates agree with that kot idk... huhu

Second, I joined peers for my university since semester 1 but not so active because introvert reason lah :') but this semester I try my best to active and my first job are do a poster for my university. bruh... the burden feel so heavy... sebab selama ni edit pun untuk suka-suka je or presentation dalam kelas. kali ni untuk univesiti and rasa berat menanggu risiko tu banyak. ye tahu tu benda biasa je but sebab kerja dengan orang atasan tak berapa atasan centu so takut mereka tak berkenan macam mana ? but Alhamdullilah everything done well hehe aku je over 

So will end at here. Semoga ada lah mood nak update lagi lepas ni. Annyeong!

btw I love this guy ! say hi to my second husband ! 🙈

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