dudeeee it's been a long time tak update. I thought I want to update on August 2022 but times fly very fast and I can't catch up everything. Why this world moving too fast 😢 Actually I doesn't have a proper mood to update but I don't know why I keep writing this. However, let's try while listen to Seventeen's songs. So I gonna update according the questions I asked before which on August 2021.

1. Is Pandemic end?

Yes and u already got the vaccine. right now we all living like a normal life but still some of them (u also ain sometimes) wearing a mask at outside. 

2. Are u still jobless?

Alhamdullilah Ain. You are now already working for 1 year++ as a florist. However, right now you are busy survey new job to get a new opportunity. It's okay, we just follow the flow ya. If ada rezeki, ada lah tu kita nak dapat kerja lain.

3. Are the government still under same politician?

WEHHH I REALLY EXCITED TO SHARE THIS!! likee thanks to old Ain sebab tanya soalan ni. Alhamdulillah we got a better government!! Our new PM is Anwar Ibrahim. You cry Ain once u know he's the one will angkat sumpah even tak menang majority. you can claim lah your first voting in a life and then got a better PM. you know what, that time almost one week you keep waiting for the update sebab they need to do kerajaan perpaduan atas nasihat Agong which kena bersetuju with other parties. you mad masa Harapan decided nak gabung with BN but ended up betul-betul jadi. we as a rakyat terima lah huhu. For now, Alhamdullilah our PMX really do a good job. Other menteri, some of them already start they work. let see how this 5 years under Kerajaan Perpaduan function. 

4. Are u already find your happiness?

idk...? maybe yes? i think soalan tu more tuju bab jodoh kot but for that part, haa tak jumpa hahahha. but Ain, u try actually 🤣 never in your life confess tapi dude, u do dohh hahaha u use a concept go big or go home and the result, u really stay at home hahahha. u got reject tapi tak faham adakah itu rejection. so until now u still think about it. u keep thinking nak check his twitter and IG but i keep holding u from doing that sebab nanti u sakit hati. jangannn kau tu lemahhh. 

kalau happiness bab family and friends, everything were fine! jarang jumpa but u guys keep updating each other. u keep cari masa nak jumpa diorang even u all busy gilaaa.

5. are u still overthinking?


6. Have u start pay ptptn?

lahh aku siap tanya soalan ni kat future me hahahha and the answer is YES!!! once u start kerja, u keep pay it back every month tapi now u rimas sebab entah bila nak berkurang 😠

7. Are u still busy fangirling?

tak pasti nak jawab soalan ni macam mana sebab u still keep tengok update your favs tapi at the same time banyak tak catch up. tapi tangan kat phone je so entah lah hahahha

8. Did WINNER renew their contract?

wehh diorang renew. siot betul hahahha so now u kena tunggu 5 tahun lagi. for now senior yang tinggal GD and WINNER je. 

9. Have you go hangout with your friend far from Seremban?

tak nyahh. semua busy and masa tak sama 😢 paling jauh pun KL je lah itu pun rushing sebab nak jumpa ramai and nak catch up with them. 

10. Did you still have a problem to sleep at night?

hmm at the beginning of working, yes. u need to listen raining sound sebab otak u penuh fikir what should u kena buat esok masa kerja. Now, kau terus tidur lepas letak kepala atas bantal 😂 nak mimpi pun sometimes tak sempat dah sebab tetiba dah pagi. sometimes je lah ada problem sebab fikir kerja and life. 

11. ((malas lah taip soalan so jawab je ah)) you still stan SEVENTEEN even your all money hampir semua kat diorang hahahha. weh kau makin bahaya tauu spend almost RM 1.4k++ kat kpop. kawal sikit tauu next year. jangan macam-macam. bukan guna pun the pc, merch semua tuu. for day6 and btob, u not a big fan of them macam before. u dah kurang update about them but still enjoy dengar lagu baru diorang. cuma tak macam zaman dulu lahh rajin update. sekarang apa yang nampak, kita layan. hyunsik tu kau jeling pun dah taknak hahhaha. youngk lak sebab busy askar. tengok lah macam mana nanti kau masih obessed with him or not once he discharge.

12. takde new group u stan sebab u takde masa lahhh. just listen to their songs je lah. now u macam dah suka new jeans tapi masih terkawal lagii. but now u more enjoy dengar lagu from girl groups tapi u tak stan pun.

13. WEHHH KAU SPEND A LOT KAT PHOTOCARD !!! kau sekarang dah ada 3 binder and there's another pc(s) on the way. dah lah tu sisssss. gembira tu hanya sementaraaa. jangan termakan hasutan dari orang lainnn hahahhaa

14. bruh... album pun.. haish kau ni kannn hahahah penat marah dengan diri sendiri. haritu u spend a lot ye sebab WINNER and SVT comeback at the same time. siap pergi buat GA lakk sedar duit tu makin berkurang tapi nak gak bagi orang lain album ahahah


16. yes and already cut the friendship

17. entah lah nyahh makin tua ni memang tak ingat apa2. once dah okay terus lupa apa jadi. tak sempat reflect diri sebab tak simpan dalam otak dah 😂

18. yes.. the main reason u still doing it sebab nak habiskan hutang je. 

OK DONE! i really ber-monolog dalam ni. no more aesthetic post sebab malas nak fikir ayat proper. Also, there's no people yang akan baca my blog. jadi kita buat macam diary je lah. btw sekarang playlist lagu WINNER dahh. kemain rasa nak taip sikit je but ended up, the whole paragraph i buat. i can't update one by one what jadi in my life sebab apa yang i buat kat tempat kerja tadi pun i dah lupa 😅 but jap I akan list kan apa yang the best things jadi kat I yang I nak sangat ingat it forever.

1. Farhah Engagement

2. Farah Ad getting married

3.Sarah and Lisa getting married

4. Met Dila and Fiqah MYICs 

5. Met Ami and gave her Dino's PC bouquet

6. SUJU CONCERT (my first concert after covid ended)


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