new movie

i found my life like a movie
every year, new movie
same character , different story
so hello there
20 years old
still me that hv same attitude since 2016
why since 2016 ?
because i changed a lot
dont mind what people gonna talk about me
*well actually i still think and sometime overthinking 😒*

summary of this movie always i will do on 31st December every year
that time im gonna reflect
what hv i done
and many more
*idk how to describe more*

do a reflect to change a better
at the same time want to find a new joke
to perform at people
especially new people
lol me 🙈
i like to make a joke
because i like people smile
and i want to smile too
i want to cheer them

in 2017
my wish;
be more patient
i want to control it actually
be more silent
once i talk , i cant stop
and sometime so merapu
*ok almost semua my conversation*
no more curse
bruhhh serious i cant stop
even something fall
im gonna curse
in a good mood also im gonna curse

still waiting for university enroll
nervous ?
the stpm result?
get more than i expected
kinda shock when inaz told me first
didnt believe her at first hehhe
open the result together with my friends
proud with them 👏
after the hardship we survive together for 1 year 6 months

but after a few days
keep thinking about my result
yes so glad with it
but suddenly think im not going to Uni
even when fill the form
im so nervous , dizzy , mad , crazy
this "what if" negative thought came to me everynight
in the shower also

pray to Him
Believe Him
He has a better plan
for me
for us
always remember
if something bad happen
change to be a better
if something good happen
thanks Him
don't forget everyone

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