
i'm back and feel want to update after read farha's post πŸ˜‚ this post i'm gonna write about people that give an impact in my life. either positive or negative. mostly of them make me remember until now (still remember their name ok πŸ’…) ok lets get start it !!

when i was 6 years old , im like a home person ? introvert person that hate to meet people. actually before i went to tadika kemas , i was suppose go to tadika mindaku. i remember my grandpa already pay the bill (?) and already got the uniform but i decide dont want to go . why ? first i hate people and sec the uniform was a short skirt paras lutut (i think atas sikit) so i mcm tak selesa with that uniform . i think that time i menyorok under the bed bcs i really dont want to go πŸ˜‚ but 6 tahun kena paksa and i cried a lot. so the only kids that talked to me was Wan Nursofia and Ramadisky (idk lah if i spell their name correctly πŸ˜‚)

why i remember them ? bcs i used to sorokkan diri at canteen (?) masa pembelajaran and mereka lah will cover me if teacher decide to find me πŸ˜‚ bcs of them lah i mcm belajar erti friendship centu. so mereka lah buat i berani to talk to a stranger and start to think some people are actually nice. so thats the conclusion act πŸ˜‚ (faham kan my story ni ??)

the next year , i went to primary school and still become the shyness person ever in that class. even no one in that class remember me that i used to be their classmates πŸ˜‚ the only person that talked to me was cikgu zaharizah (my classroom teacher) and Maizatul Asyiqin . so i kinda dont have any memories at primary school. so just them je yg talked to me and all of them about study.

from standard 1 until standard 3 i dont have friends . im so lonely but idky i'm so fine with that situation. i met someone and she became my deskmate in standard 4. im from fourth class and go up to third class (ok let me tell u guys lagi kau masuk kelas pandai , lagi kau kena struggle belajar) for me, my school not for a kids to have kind a good memories but its all about study, kedudukan and kekayaan (idk lah betul ke tak but kelas pandai mesti parents πŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ) masa standard 4, i still dont hv friends (ada tu ada tp impact tk berapa kuat yg buatkan me to remember them) but this deskmate kinda hate me for the whole year (idky guysss 😭) she treated me like a shit and ignore me for the freaking whole year . but what i like lah pasal dia , she pernah gave me kad hari raya and she wrote "sorry ain , i cant be your friend but you are so nice"

this is why i ingat dia sampai bila2 (not gonna mention her name) bcs that time i realize and learn something lah utk bersikap jujur (?) after i got that card , i tak jadi nak rasa dendam dgn dia ? even idk the reason but at least she tell the truth kan ? but bcs of her , i drop from that class to last class πŸ˜‚ i didnt do well for the test bcs i dont want to disturb her anymore like that lahh. to that person, how rudely u treated me before but tk pernah terdetik dlm diri ni nak benci u hehe hope u doing well in life and be a nice person to everyone 😊

masuk sekolah menengah , everyone so nice to me so idk how to describe 😭😭 im gonna skip them sbb the impact byk sgt hehe but i just give a conclusiona lah ye . form 1-2 i really love the classmates sbb i feel them like a family . we went everywhere or do an event together. i feel so happy with them and my childhood memories start from here.

when i was lower 6, this teacher help me to changed be a better person . Madam Nasmizana help me to become more confident to talk infront of people . i remember she gave us a task to talk about our mother since it was a mother's day and the task was a speech in english infront of the classmates . u guys boleh bayang tak like u dont know anyone in the class (except yg dh kenal lama) and u must talk about your mother to them. and i do it with zero confident and just read what i wrote that time (my eng so lemah until now so lagi terabur lah kan that time) but luckily some people didnt listen it and i just finish reading it terus nak bla but madam nas kinda comfort me and start question me about my mom.

but u know cara dia ckp sooo lembut and nice bcs some teachers before ask me mcm perli bcs my lack skill centu. and she told me to confident when do a speech anddd masa dia ckp tu , mata dia kinda sparkle centu tau and rasa sgt sifat keibuan tu πŸ’•πŸ™ˆ from her motivation , i kinda berani nak do a presentation for any assignment i got. she still so nice to me even i dh graduate from form 6.

i'm sorry for lack skill language and writing. this post are random but i write this for me to remember them and grateful to them that change to a better person πŸ™†πŸ’ž

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