Review : Namoo Grey

i am so boring right now. well actually i am busy preparing my enroll to university. ok yes guy!!! aku jadi pelajar lagi!! finally my wish since spm want to be a student at university came truueee. pray for me guys until i graduate 🙏 (fyi, imma gonna update my study life at there so i can remember that but macam jarang kot sbb risau busy) but entahlah rasa nak menaip pulak even kerja tak siap lagi :')

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sebenarnya nak post about my fav food and rate them tapi bila dah taip panjang tu, rasa mengarut gila so decide tukar topic 😂 this is my honest opinion and if tak setuju or kurang senang, minta maaf awal2 👉👈

so restaurant/cafe idk what should i call dah pergi about 2 times. i pergi namoo grey restaurant dekat seremban gateway. the place quite good, parking pun for me ok kot? tak sure sangat sebab second time pergi, naik grab. dalam kedai tu decoration kinda beautiful, simple yet cool, so senyap mcm tak riuh with people talking and for sure they played some kpop songs that i most enjoy it 😂 i really like enjoy my food di dalam suasana yang senyap dan tenang so i suggest you guys place like this 👍 but idk lah if diorg ada peak hours ke sebab masa pergi tak ramai orang.

food for me macam quite pricey tapi some of them berbaloi and if you want me to suggest what food you should eat at there, for sure gonna suggest 100% their BINGSOO!! sedap gila especially the mango one (my bae 💕). for the second time went there, decided with my friend to try oreo bingsoo (suppose with banana but my friend did not like it) and not bad gak😂 sedap untuk sejukkan hati anda semua yang sedang stress memikirkan masalah kehidupan. gonna rate them 3.5/5 and for mango bingsoo 5/5 sbb I LOVE MANGO!!!! the price are RM 18.90 oh i think makan 4 orang pun kenyang sebab portion dia banyak.

 makanan lain dah try seafood pajeon, spicy chicken wings and spicy ramen with cheese. ok for pajeon, tak berapa berkenan pulak. sos dia rasa macam taucu but still mcm boleh enjoy nak makan😂 i prefer pajeon from dubuyo sbb lagi gebu dari namoo grey. the price for seafood pajeon are RM 19.90 💸sorry to say tapi serious tak berbaloi dengan harga macam tu :(

spicy chicken wings tapi tak spicy langsung. tak tahu lah sebab tekak orang nogori sangat ke so macam kecewa sikit 😞 kalau orang yang tak makan pedas, i suggest yang ni. ayam dia rangup but sauce that they coating not satisfied my appetite. the price are RM 16.90. for me harga for this ayam not bad sebab banyak (but i do not remember how much 😂) tapi haritu makan 4 orang kenyang gak. i think lah ( not sure) ada 7-8 pcs.

same goes to king cheese hot n spicy ramyun chicken. i thought ramyun tu akan pedas macam samyang so tanya the workers that food pedas ke tak (risau makeup cair sebab berpeluh nanti 😅) and dia cakap tak so expect pedas biasa2 lah but nahh, tak pedas langsung tapi sedap tapi macam alaa why tak pedas 👉👈 tapi sedappp sebab cheese dia tu blupblup and nampak menyelerakan tekak kita 😂 bila dah hilang blupblup tu cheese tu akan keras/liat and quite tasty to eat with that ramyun. for this one berharga RM 26 or RM 28 i do not remember. sorry 😅

i think tu je kot nak review. macam bab tandas, bersih and tandas asing untuk lelaki dan perempuan. also diorg ada tv yang akan tayang drama2 korea lama or running man or kpop mv. like if you guys go there alone, macam tak bosan sangat lah sebab boleh tengok tv kat sana 😂

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